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Spinoza - A web DSL in Kotlin with a clear philosophy of expressiveness

Quick start

put this in main function:

get("/salve") {
    "Salve Orbis Terrarum"

Run and view


Built for expressiveness

Spinoza is a web DSL in Kotlin built for fully expressiveness. Spinoza’s philosophy (pun intended?) is to provide a truly expressive web framework with no boilerplate that results in code you could explain to your parents. Spinoza is the sibling of Spark and is essentially Spark made for Kotlin.

There’s nothing else to say really, take a look at the code and you should quickly find out if you love it or hate it. In our collective mind the future of programming is expressive (declarative) with code explaining what happens instead of how it happens. Kotlin is the perfect language for achieving this and Spinoza makes use of this to 100%.